What Do Kangaroos Have To Do With Connecticut? It’s All About Soccer Shoes
January 20, 2023

This is the third time in the past few months CT News Junkie has carried a story concerning wildlife and the inhumane treatment of animals, and the third time its coverage of animal issues has been less than balanced or approached with the seriousness the subject matter deserves.

The most recent example is Susan Bigelow’s January 17 Opinion that referenced HB 5113, regarding the use of kangaroo skins in products imported for sale in the United States.  In my opinion, it was flippant, dismissive, and detrimental to further constructive dialogue.

In her “analysis” she declares, “What the heck?? Apparently, this is a real thing… I did not know this. I have no idea what to think about it.”  Granted this is a new topic for CT voters and the statement of purpose bills do not offer much detail, but a little bit of homework would have given her the information necessary to make a more informed “analysis” which she, in turn, could have shared with the NewsJunkie readership.


Source: http://ctnewsjunkie.com/2023/01/20/what-do-kangaroos-have-to-do-with-connecticut-its-all-about-soccer-shoes/
